Marching Band Big Four
While at a football game, you walk up the metal bleachers, with the green wall shouting to your left, and music from the band into your ears from the right; you might walk by people standing on podiums. They are waving their arms in rhythmic motions and shouting commands to the marching band. Who are these people? They are the Big Four.
The Big Four holds the responsibility of leading the band such as, teaching the members of the band how to march, learn their music, and guide the band during performances and practices.
The process of being chosen as a leader in the marching band begins with students applying and attending a two-day leadership camp. After those two days, Julius Davis, the former Drum Major, Matt Roca, the former band captain, and the former band director, Mr. Matthew Nelson, picked out the top twelve finalists who they thought would be best to fill the roles of the big four. During the following week the twelve candidates had to practice conducting, giving commands, and then go through an interview process. The individuals found out if they received a position through a confidential letter. It is officially announced days later at the annual band awards in late spring.