As President Donald J. Trump has been re-elected into the White House, he has already revived his long-standing effort to purchase more land for the United States, starting off with Canada, Panama and Greenland. While looking alright on paper it remains unknown about whether or not these purchases will be beneficial for the United States, and it remains unseen how this could be beneficial for the countries being purchased, nevertheless the up’s and down’s remain clear as the deals become reality. As President Donald J. Trump continues to eye up more land for potential benefits, other countries are starting to become concerned about whether or not the American dream is coming after them or if it is just all talk.
Speculation has begun to surface whether or not Donald Trump will send militant forces to Panama and Greenland, “It could be a full on Invasion” Mr. Sean Jones, a student teacher at Colonial Forge, said.
“You know how sometimes the president talks, sometimes he just says things without thinking them through. How he described it is that he’d be using military assets to create an invasion, and if he calls it under executive action.” Mr. Jones ventures into more detail. “He can use the Marines instead of having the Army and the Navy, which would need congressional approval, which I’m sure he would be able to get,”
Essentially President Trump has the power to force American troops to invade Canada, Greenland and Panama if he so chooses. While he’s currently not using military force, he’s positioning himself against other countries, moreso in an economic sense. According To CNN, Trump will impose 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada.
The possibility of this threat becoming anything more than an empty promise is already starting some aggression between America and other territories.
while surrounded by the European parliament while speaking about President Trump’s wishes to purchase Greenland.
This was the end of a long speech about how Greenland is an integrated and vital part of Denmark, the country he was born and raised in. This being the most extreme example of public verbal denial of Trump’s efforts with former Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also having words – while less aggressive – about the situation.
“The president was telling jokes, the president was teasing us,” said Canada’s Minister of Public Safety after meeting with President Trump at his Florida property on Thanksgiving weekend.
The aggression between the land grabs and Trump’s agenda show that we as a country and other countries are not prepared for a second Trump term. While it seems obvious that Trump wants to “make America great again” the steps taken towards that goal seem to be what the world is not prepared for.
Canada has publicly rebuked any offer made by the President saying that Canada and all of its provinces aren’t for sale, Denmark has also said that Greenland isn’t for sale either.With the back and forth of multiple countries it seems that the nature of all of the countries has been shown and are trying to defend protected assets
And while Panama hasn’t said anything worth noting, neighboring country Colombia just sent back two military planes occupied by dozens of undocumented Immigrants who had been deported; Columbia is the closest nation-state to Panama other than Mexico which could make the purchase of Panama more difficult in future.
Trump’s particular interest in the Panama Canal could stem from the canal’s contribution in making the United States a world power as its direct access through North and South America has created the ability to get giant ships full of resources to the West Coast of America. Another reason why Trump is so eager to get his paws on the Canal is due to Chinese soldiers placed at the Canal, showing that China has more control over the U.S.
“ [it’s] rightful owners” Ronald Regan said during his presidency, speaking about the Panama Canal, “We bought it; we paid for it; we built it.”
We really have no way of knowing what’s going to happen during President Trump’s second term, but all we can do is hope that America’s best interest is in mind.