Tired of seeing the same outfits every Halloween? Here’s a rundown of 2024’s top 7 most overdone costumes that we’re all hoping to see a little less of next year.
- Bunny – Starting out strong with the bunny. Although it’s a classic, I see like 30 of them each year. Don’t get me wrong—I think it’s a cute costume that’s great for when you need something last minute. But that’s exactly the thing; it’s become a quick go-to that doesn’t necessarily stand out. Halloween is all about embracing the chance to be a little wild and imaginative, but when we see the same bunny ears and fluffy tails each year, it starts to feel more like a uniform than a unique costume.
- Black Cat – This is pretty much the same situation as the bunny. It’s just too basic. There’s no shortage of black cats prowling the streets every October 31, from clever takes with whiskers and ears to full-on feline transformations. But for such a go-to look, the black cat costume has grown a bit stale.
- Harley Quinn/Joker – Honestly, I’m tired of seeing this costume and I don’t have anything nice to say about it. It’s even worse when it’s a duo. There are so many better couple costume options. The Harley-and-Joker combo has been done to death, often without any fresh spin or personal touch. A better idea would be Mavis and Johnny from “Hotel Transylvania,” or Woody and Bo Peep from “Toy Story.”
- Cop/Prisoner- The amount of people I have seen dress up as a cop on my TikTok ForYou Page is criminal. Don’t get me started when people pair it with the other prisoner costume. The costume is extremely overused and honestly lacks originality. It’s one of those costumes that feels like it’s been done a million times, with little variation or creativity added. People only use this costume as a photo opportunity, not because they like it. Especially when posted with “Mrs. Officer” by Lil Wayne.
- Leopard/Cheetah – The actual concept of the costume is cute to me; I just don’t like the makeup on the face. The cheetah print makeup isn’t it. The cheetah print style is just another microtrend that’ll be done within a month, and I’ve seen too many people with it.
- Frat Boy/Steeze – It was funny at first and now it’s overdone. I’m tired of seeing backwards hats and jerseys. The joke was amusing the first dozen times, but now it feels like everyone just throws on a pair of khaki shorts, a jersey, and some aviators and calls it a day.
- Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader – We’ve all watched America’s Sweethearts: DCC on Netflix, but that doesn’t mean we all need to dress up as one. Absolutely, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader costume is a classic, iconic look. There’s no denying the DCC uniform’s visual appeal—it’s bold, instantly recognizable, and undeniably cute. But wearing it can feel like more than just slipping on a costume and it’s just too repetitive.