Workout Of The Week 2/23

Savannah Mitchell, Reporter


Run a 2-3 mile warm up at whatever pace you feel is comfortable. It is important that you do a decent length warm up to help with two things; to get extra mileage in and, to make sure your legs are nice and loose. After your warm up find a decently steeped hill, but of course do what your capable of . Find a hill that is fit to your ability. To help with speed training, you are going to sprint up a hill for 100 meters making sure to use your arms. If you lock your arms it will make going up the hill much more difficult. Once you reach the top of the hill jog down and rest for 60 seconds. Repeat this 7-9 times.


30 second plank x 2

10 push-ups

60 second crunches x 2

10 push-ups

90 second wall sits x 2

10 push-ups