President Trump has shown some interest with the United States leaving the North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO) during his term. The reason he has given was that the U.S. is giving more then they are receiving and it is actively affecting the U.S. However on December 23rd, 2023 the NDAA was enacted tos top the president from leaving NATO without ⅔ approval from Congress.
Some students at Forge have heard about the States leaving NATO but feel that the impact on them or their parents will have little to no impact on them.
“I’m not completely sure how it would affect daily life. I expect there would be slight changes, but nothing major as of right now.” Katelyn Knauth(27) said and “I think that there would be very few changes to my daily life. However, it could eventually result in something that could but not for a long time.” Brody Fox(27) said
The reason why they think the impact will be very little is because it is an alliance between countries so it may only have an impact if we go to war.
“I assume that due to the scale of this decision, there would be at least a small impact, but since NATO primarily deals with foreign affairs and alliances, I doubt there would be a significant effect on the lives of average Americans.” Katelyn(27) said
However these students think we will probably join back, like with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
“I do see a chance that the United States could rejoin NATO if needed but the United States have expressed the pressing reason for their possible exit being that they are actively losing money with little in return.” Brody(27) said and “I do think we would rejoin eventually, the same way we rejoined the Paris Agreement during Biden’s term as president.” Katelyn(27) said.